Wednesday 18 August 2010

Busfabriken in Helsingborg

We've had a mission ever since Oliver was born to get to the fun park Tosselilla, but the weather seems to have given us rain ever since. Today our plan was to go to Tosselilla no matter what. But yesterday when some friends suggested that we went to the indoor funhouse; Busfabriken instead we were easy to convince. So after breakfast we went to Helsingborg with Fam Adolfsson and Fam Sassarsson. We all had a ball since we could all climb around like we were 3 years old. This is when it's so much fun to have kids who you can blame for making you act like a kid yourself.
On our way home we stopped by at Fam Adolfsson for a cup of coffee and some jummy newly baked cinnamon rolls.
After dinner at home mum and Klas came by quickly to say hi. Then Fam Henberg-Johansson came with a still warm pineapple pie which was too good to take a small piece of. I just had to take that extra not needed piece because it was so good. They also gave Oliver the cutest baby suit I've seen in a long time. Thank You Vivvi, Mikey and Isak for your enjoyable visit, the nice present to Oliver, the delicious pie and the inspiring feedback on my ugg boots.

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