Wednesday 22 July 2009


Now when dad is back at work it's only me and mum at home during the days. Today was very relaxing. Tradition is that when I wake up I walk in to mum and dad and force one of them to put on Pippi Långstrump or McQueen on TV and go and make some gruel. This was the case this morning as well, but it was only mum at home so she got to serve me. We watched Pippi for a little longer then normal because we were both tired today. But then we went up and had breakfast and went out in the garden and fixed a few things. Today I was kind of grumpy and whatever we got up to everything went against me so after an hour or so I'd convinced mum that another movie on TV was what I needed. Mum never normally let me watch too much TV, but today she did! ;o) But it didn't take long before I fell asleep. I guess the cold I have is making me extra tired. While I slept, mum painted another side of the carport and the table we have on the wooden deck outside our kitchen. Then she made me pancakes which were just done when I woke up. She makes wonderful pancakes!!!!
In the afternoon we went to the swimmingpool and had a ball for the rest of the afternoon.

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