Thursday 14 February 2013

Koh Tao - Koh Samui

Happy Valentin everyone!!
Went for a swim in the pool after breakfast. Thought we had plenty of time before our boat departure to Koh Samui. But when Daniel went to confirm our boat ticket we realized it was an hour earlier. So in just a couple of minutes we were checked out and sat in the taxi. But first a snake had to be chased out of the taxi. Exciting!!
Calm and nice boat trip to Koh Samui. Got to the house we've rented and jumped in the pool. Went to the market to eat lunch and to get fruit and groceries for the house. Then back to the house and swam a little more while waiting for Fam Adolfsson to arrive which they did eventually after a minor delay in Bangkok.
Pernilla had a long phone meeting with the new owners of Pergo.
Got some take away and beer and breezers to celebrate Valentine together with dear friends from Sweden. Plus the kids got extra gifts from Fam Persson. Highly appreciated! Both the pictures and what was in the gifts!! Thank you so much. You're just so thoughtful always!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vi ville överraska pågarna med något gott:o) vi visste ju att det som fanns i paketen hade de inte ätit på ett tag. Tur att Fam Adolfsson kunde hjälpa till med transporten. Ha det nu jättebra och njut av denna tiden!
// Håkan & Lena