Sunday 17 February 2013

Koh Samui

Decided to check out the so highly ranked beach of Koh Samui; Chaweng. But what a disappointment. Not at all suitable for kids and very much more expensive restaurants which has lost most of the genuine Thai style and atmosphere. Everything is very European and for us it's not why we've come to Thailand. So Chaweng is nothing we recommend to anyone with kids or anyone that travel to Thailand to enjoy the genuine Thailand.
Went back to the house to swim and chill before heading to the other shopping mall where we found some sandals.
Had dinner at a crappy place along the main road. Never again.

Oliver has for the 7th day in a row been without diaper!!!! Such a good boy!


Anonymous said...

Tråkigt att höra att stränderna inte är så fina, ni får leta vidare. De tre pågarna ser ut att njuta i fulla drag vid poolkanten, kul att se att lilleman badar. Tror nästan att man kan se att Kevin har simhud mellan fingrarna:o)
Snart är det våran tur att njuta!!!
Ha de bäst!!
// Håkan & Lena

Anonymous said...

Glömde ju att skriva att Oliver har varit duktig som släppt blöjan, bra jobba Oliver!!!
// Håkan & Lena