Tuesday 1 February 2011

Fresh air

After dropping of Kevin at day-care I went for a long walk down to town. Had to go to the bank, the post and a few other things. Got it done at the same time as I got a good walk in fresh air. There's nothing better then being outdoor.
Then back home for lunch and a few phone calls to cancel the internet connection (we'll only have the mobile connection from now on). We also cancelled the stationary phone. We'll only keep our mobiles, but are keeping our old home number.
Today I also said no thanks to play date as I feel we need to relax in between as well. It's a luxury to have so many friends who's also on maternity leave, but it can easily take over the cosy time you can have with only your family. So today we'll stay home and just be.
Plus we need to prepare ourselves for Kevin's surgery tomorrow. Nothing serious, but will get pipes in his ears and take away his adenoids. We'll be back same day.

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