Sunday 14 December 2008

Mum in action

As you all know I'm spending as much time exercising as I can. Here's a proof from a couple of weekends ago when I was honoured to be invited as instructor to hold a PUMP class at the gym in Svalöv. Thank you all! It’s always a pleasure to hold classes at your gym. It was great fun even this time and thankfully I got very positive feedback.
It's just a shame I can't train every day :o( To get the body in an acceptable shape I have my training days Monday, Thursdays and Sundays. Daniel is training Tuesdays and Wednesdays. As soon as Kevin is asleep one of us goes to the gym. One thing is for sure, we won’t get tired of each other!!

Yea yea I now it's a bit selfish... but needed something to break the Kevin trend!


Annelie Johnsson said...

Minsann om inte bilderna jag tog hamnade på bloggen i alla fall...
Kram Annelie

Annelie Johnsson said...

Fler bilder från dagen finns nu att beskåda på
Ha det så bra, vi ses snart hoppas jag

Anonymous said...

Jajjemensan! Lite Egon får man väl bara ibland?! hihi....
Allt bra inför julen?
Hoppas också vi kan ses snart!
Hälsa familjen

Anna (Orka mera) said...

Snygga bilder!!!