Friday 3 April 2015

Easter break


Easter and long weekend! First day started early as me boys (Daniel not included) wake up way to early! Never the less, you get allot out of the day. I had plenty of time to fix the boiled eggs into small chickens before asking dad to also get up and join us for breakfast.
Mum went to instruct a class at the gym while grandad and grandma from malmö came with even more easter eggs. We got them to stay for lunch wick wad move as they're always stressed to get going right after they've arrived.
Then Daniel and Kevin went fishing along the river next to our house while I took Oliver for a long ride on Pärlan. From hating your kids for never ever letting you sleep to loving the way we now can do different activities together is ironic.
Tonight is was finally tinge to catch up with great friends;  family Schödin's!

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