Sunday 17 August 2014

Kevin's 1st soccer tournament this season

From one week to another we've gone from tropical heat to cold windy and wet Autumn weather:o( Worst of them all was this Sunday when it was time for Kevin and his team to have their first soccer tournament at their own club. He did very well in the three games he played and the practice and motivation talk with dad to help him toughen up on the field has helped allot. And he was really proud and happy!
From one week to another we've gone from tropical heat to cold windy and wet Autumn weather:o( Worst of them all was this Sunday when it was time for Kevin and his team to have their first soccer tournament at their own club. He did very well in the three games he played and the practice and motivation talk with dad to help him toughen up on the field has helped allot. And he was really proud and happy!
Thank You grandma, grandpa, uncle and cousin from Malmö who supported him all day in this awful weather. It means very much to him!
Again I want to Thank Kevin's coaches for being so extremely positive and inspiring at all time. I trust your fantastic attitude will give these boys a very good ground to stand on, not only on the soccer field, but also during the rest of days of the year!

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