Saturday 30 June 2012



Another day in paradise! Today was the first day with that real Summer feeling. Finally! It was warm already from early morning until late night, the little breeze from the sea was warm and the sun was out all day!
After breakfast we did some workout, showered and gave the kids early lunch before heading out to sea with the coolest boat I know. Went between the islands out to open water to a seal colony where we saw several curious seals. But because we were not meant to be by the colony at this time of the year we had to leave within after 10 min as we were told that the coast guard was on their way.
Stopped at a silent spot by some rocky island for s coffee and homemade cinnamon buns. Tested the speed on our way back which Kevin couldn't get enough of. Powerful thing this boat was!
Visited the local candy store in the afternoon.
Had a fantastic evening with lots of play with the kids including water balloons!

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