Saturday 6 August 2011

Olivers 1st birthday

Its exactly one year ago we asked the hospital in Lund to force the little fellow, who was too comfortable in my stomach, to come out. He was two weeks overdue and I was +30kg!!! And out he came, a big boy from the start! And it's already one year ago. Our little boy is no longer so little. Has been walking for month already, has a willpower that's stronger then most children and are testing every limit there is to test. He’s daily giving us both headache and laughs. That's why we love him dearly! Today was his day and he enjoyed it fully with closest family around him all day long. He got many fantastic gifts. Thank You to our family for a fantastic night and for all the toys, clothes, pool and more!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Oliver! We can't believe that it's been a whole year already. We can't wait to meet you someday and hope that it'll be before you turn 2 next year!

Big hugs & kisses for the whole family!

Doug & Marielle

We're the Berg Family! said...

Thanks for your birthday wishes! It means alot, especially for my parents. I hope to meet you one day soon too!!
Hope you two are also doing great!
Hugs & Kisses back

Linda's Bak said...

Herre Jisses!!! 1 år redan. Stort GRATTIS en dag för sent. Stora killen! Ser verkligen nöjd ut.
Kram från Tant Linda på mammas jobb. ;O)

We're the Berg Family! said...

Tack snälla Linda!