Tuesday, 27 April 2010

N...gerballs ;o)

As usual we ate dinner together. Kevin keeps us busy during dinner with his talk about his day! He's such a laugh, but can't sit quiet and enjoy his food. There's something coming out of his mouth aaaaal the time! Must have got that from his father, coz I still have my talkatively left!
After dinner we started to do the most boring thing on earth; cleaning the oven. But luckily Kevin got bored after a short time and wanted to take a bath. So so we did! Tried out some new hairstyles.
Then we felt like baking again. Kevin wanted to make Swiss rolls again, but I convinced him to making some n...gerballs. (The cakes has always had the same name for as long as I was a child, but recently you're not allowed to say the name, but to me they are and will always be n...gerballs!!) They look like this, and are absolutly fabulous!

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