12 more weeks to work before going on maternity leave!
13 weeks to go before birth!
Normally the baby is 36cm long with a weigh of 1kg. Which I don’t understand as I’ve gained 10kg already! But I’m quit relaxed as I know I have the discipline to get rid of if when I want to.
13 weeks to go before birth!
Normally the baby is 36cm long with a weigh of 1kg. Which I don’t understand as I’ve gained 10kg already! But I’m quit relaxed as I know I have the discipline to get rid of if when I want to.
Du har en härlig ledighet framför dig... Kram Vivi
Härlig ledighet?!?! Då ska du höra mina planer det kommande året!! hihi.....
Men det kommer bli underbart med lite break från vanliga rutinerna!!
Hoppas du har det bra!
Hahaha, knner jag dig rätt så kommer du inte att ligga på latsidan.//Vivi
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