90km cross-country skiing, 300km biking, 3km open water swimming and 30km terrain running within 12 month has now got a check mark in my to-do list. This last running race was another fantastic arrangement but very tough. First 20km went easy, but then the real hard work started. But never in the world I thought about giving up. That I'm to stubborn to do! With a sore knee and a very bad stomach which forced me to visit the toilet 6 times I have to be pleased with the 3.06 hours it took me. But the goal was under 3 hours so there's things that needs to be done regarding my running. But we'll work on that in a couple of weeks when I'm not walking as if I've had a stiff surgery on both my legs. My friend along this trip, Vivvi, also completed this last competition and keeps impressing me with her fantastic strong will. She's just as stubborn as me and even if we didn't talk about it right after the finishing line I know I'll get her company in more challenges to come. I just haven't presented quit all the details of my plans. Think we have to settle back for a while now, let our bodies heal and give our families some focus again. No one probably realize what it takes to complete this challenge. This venture has taken allot of time, planning, practise when the rest of the family is sound asleep either late at night or early in the morning and it hasn't been cheap. But even if you haven't got the physique you can still do what we've just done if you have two ingredients; discipline and determination!

Daniel, mum and Klasen came along to Stockholm this weekend so it became social as well as hard training. Nice combination! They had even gifts waiting for me when I came back to the hotel. And Champagne before dinner! So they sure made me feel like I'd done a pretty cool performance over the last couple of month. Thanking you very much for all your support. And not least the nice friends along the track cheering for me and Vivvis parents who has shown an impressive support by being present by the finishing line at two of the events!
Thanking everyone for the support and good luck wishes along this awesome trip! If I was stubborn before, I'm not sure this has made me less stubborn!! ;o)
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