Sunday, 22 May 2011


This Sunday I was pottering with Kevin. He loves any kind of pottering. Today we glued magnets on his big letters. He got the whole alphabet from Klas son Thomas some time ago and now his magnet-wall in his room is ready it's time to get the letters up so we can start practising spelling. We started with the letters for KEVIN and OLIVER and a few others. Next time we'll do the other letters.
Later in the afternoon dad, his brother and Johanna got home from the half marathon-weekend in Gothenburg. We BBQed and had a calm and nice dinner together with the athletes!
The result from the race was as following:

Daniel 2:10 (10min better then last year!)
Mikael 2:17 (first time half marathon)
Johanna 2:49 (first time half marathon)

Well done!

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