Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Advanced swing

What a day! Kevin woke me up early today so we figured we might just as well get started and get a few things done. But first we enjoyed a long breakfast. Then we went out to our campervan to check how much teaspoons and coffeecups in plastic we had. Need to know for the kick-off this weekend as I'm going to serve coffee and goodies to my visitors. I do anything to make them hang around for as long as it takes to get into perfect shopping spirit!;-)
Then I prepared one package with shoes for Germany and another package for Russia. Then of to day-care with Kevin. I convinced Anna to join me for a powerwalk to get the parcels sent.
Then feed Oliver and myself while making the last details on some invitations. Took a bath with Oliver before going to Lund to buy things for the kick-off. Went straight to my midwife. Went through the journal from Olivers birth. She made something quit chocking clear for me: I had two placenas which often means that there were twins from the beginning!!
When I had calmed down from the chock I went to meet up with Kevin who went home with Alma from day-care today. They were at the playground and Kevin was swinging like crazy. Now it's not enough to just swing high, he is now also making us twist the swing at the same time. Wild boy! Where has if got that from?;-)

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