Daniel went to work early today and I woke up earlier then Kevin so I prepared breakfast just in time for when he got up. We had a nice breakfast together before meeting up with my friend and colleague to be Camilla and her son Simon at Tirups Herbfarm. It was the first time for me visiting this place, but for sure not the last. The coolest playground for kids, the best cake and coffee in their café and plenty of herbs in the plant shop. We enjoyed it all today! And with me home I got rosemary, mint and basil. As you can see they got straight down in the ground/ window when we got home!

We spend some time at home and Daniel and Kevin snoozed while I vacuumed and washed the floors. Then it was time for me and Kevin to drive to congratulate mu cousin, Tobbe, on his 30th birthday! It’s not often we see each other, but always nice to catch up.

We spend some time at home and Daniel and Kevin snoozed while I vacuumed and washed the floors. Then it was time for me and Kevin to drive to congratulate mu cousin, Tobbe, on his 30th birthday! It’s not often we see each other, but always nice to catch up.

We got home just in time for dinner with Karolina and Martin. An old football friend to Daniel and his wife. Martin BBQed the best file I’ve had in a very long time which we all ate plenty of. Karolina had cakes with her. And not just a plain cake, but 4 different kinds of cakes. So if we were all full after dinner, we couldn’t move after cake-dessert! I’m glad I’m not on any diet!
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