Finally Friday! It's been a tought week, going from sleeping in every morning til being waked by mum singing and turning the light on in my room. This is how the last two mornings been like:
With soft singing voice: Wakie Wakie!
Kevin, without opening his eyes: I want to wake up by my self!
I say: There's no time for that today. You're going to grandma and I have the worlds best gruel ready for you and Winnie the Phu on the TV.
Kevin: I want to wake up by my self! Turn the light of!
I say: I'm sorry, but there's no time. Do you want your gruel here in your bed.
Kevin: III waaaant toooo waaake uuup byyyy myyyy seeeelf!!!!!!
Mornings with a 3-year-old is great fun! ?!?!
Above is from today with grandma.
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