After a call from Kevin’s day-care that he'd cramped and got high fever, I couldn't really concentrate at work any more. Since Daniel only has 20 min drive back from work he was the one that had to leave work to pick up Kevin. But he didn't look that sick so they went home. But after some phone calls with the hospital they recommended us to go straight to ER. I met Kevin, Daniel and grandma at the ER in Lund where we soon got in contact with a doctor. She eliminated that it had been a real fever cramp, which we were very relieved to hear. Instead she confirmed ear inflammation on both ears and a very infected throat. And the fever we could confirm ourselves! Got some penicillin and are now hoping he'll get better very soon.

Stackars liten. Råkar ut för det ena efter det andra. Vi har väl vårt att vänta när Noah börjar på dagis han med. Ge lillkillen en stor kram och hoppas han kryar på sig snart!!
Ja aldrig får man njuta till fullo! Hoppas på ny energi över helgen så att han är kry och kan ta tjuren vid hornen med dagis igen!
Tack för omtanken och den goda middagen häromdagen!
Hope Kevin feels better real soon! It's tough being little....
Talk to you soon!
Hope all is good with you all!
Talk soon!!
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