Thursday, 28 August 2014

Love our boat life!

Picked up Take Away on our way to our boat and went out for a magic evening that just got calmer and calmer. 5 cods and 2 mackerel was the catch of the night which of course make it all seem so much more worth rushing out after work.

Hens in our livingroom

Our hens are now privileged to be let out of the hens house every day. This is the company we get when opening up our backdoor. 

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Our Sunday

Kids came from Malmö where they'd stayed the night and played with cousin Noel so that mum and dad could join a Schödin's 2x40 years party. Daniel met up the boys in Bjärred where Kevin went to a celebrate a friends birthday while Oliver, dad and grandparents chilled out by the waterfront and on the long bridge.
Later Kevin had Liam around. They went to their school to play on the swings. Their laughter was heard in the whole neighborhood. We had dinner with Liam's family at our place before crashing in bed!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


If Kevin could, he would be playing Monopoly 24/7. He has played against Daniel several times and won every single time. Yesterday he convinced Klasen to come over for a game and to his surprise he was up for the challenge. Again he won!!
Thanks Klasen and grandma for spending the evening with us.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Kevin's 1st soccer tournament this season

From one week to another we've gone from tropical heat to cold windy and wet Autumn weather:o( Worst of them all was this Sunday when it was time for Kevin and his team to have their first soccer tournament at their own club. He did very well in the three games he played and the practice and motivation talk with dad to help him toughen up on the field has helped allot. And he was really proud and happy!
From one week to another we've gone from tropical heat to cold windy and wet Autumn weather:o( Worst of them all was this Sunday when it was time for Kevin and his team to have their first soccer tournament at their own club. He did very well in the three games he played and the practice and motivation talk with dad to help him toughen up on the field has helped allot. And he was really proud and happy!
Thank You grandma, grandpa, uncle and cousin from Malmö who supported him all day in this awful weather. It means very much to him!
Again I want to Thank Kevin's coaches for being so extremely positive and inspiring at all time. I trust your fantastic attitude will give these boys a very good ground to stand on, not only on the soccer field, but also during the rest of days of the year!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Calm Friday = Dinner and fishing @ sea

The weatherman predicted a calm Friday so we took the chance to get out on the sound with our boat. Got a lovely end of the week. Picked up Take Away on the way to our boat, ate before going out to the middle of the sound to watch a beautiful sunset and fishing some cod which unfortunately was too small to keep. 

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Teddy Bear

 A very happy 4 year old trying out some of his birthday gifts.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Oliver 4th Birthday Party

Big Thank You to all of our family who made Oliver's 4th Birthday such a pleasant evening!With Pulled Pork, Cole Slaw, corn and chilling drinks was on the menu and seemed to be appreciated. But the cake we made ourselves looked nice but to be honest was not the best:o(
Thank You also for all the fantastic gifts Oliver got.

Oliver 4 years old

Today Oliver turns 4 years old! Even if he's often taken for being older, he's still only 4 years!!
This little boy is very strong willed and stand up for what he want but also the one giving you the most hugs and kisses!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

First fish caught!!!!

First fish caught from our boat, by me (Pernilla) of course!! Kevin with his bad patient asked to swap fishing rod just 20 seconds before. He still talks about how he regrets that he asked to swap :o)
The fillet of a little cod is today on the lunch menu at the Bergs.
Focusing lately allot on quality time with your family and closest friends and to not stress around and to have people around yourself which give energy rather than take energy from you, tonight when you get an evening together with your own family on our boat with a little bit of a breeze that slowly calmed down to hardly any wind at all and with a catch with us home you capture yourself to feel very good and to take care of every moment in a very relaxed and optimal way. 

Baking his own Birthday cake

We've tried to order and pay lots for fancy Birthday cakes which of course looks absolutely amazing and with your favorite character as an eatable details on top. But this year because we felt we had the time to, we asked Oliver if he wanted to make his very own Birthday cake or if we should buy one. But he preferred to make one. And because Kevin stayed the night and half next day with a soccer friend me and Oliver had all the time needed to finish the cake. With a little bit of assistance on what order to but everything on, he baked his very own Birthday cake. He had lots of fun and what an amazing thing to do as a social thing together in this so often hectic life. And tomorrow night when all our family is here to celebrate him it'll be interesting to see which cake we prefer the most.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Girly boat cruise

Thanks to grandma and Klasen who took care of the boys a few hours (since Daniel is on a Beer-weekend-kick-off with his workmates in Berlin) me and the girlfriends could go out on a very enjoyable lunch and bath cruise on a calm sound. Definitely not the last time with friends on our boat to just get a break from everything and suck in the breeze from the sea.