Monday, 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Another year has gone and with dinner and fantastic company we celebrated previous year and welcomed the new. Happy New Year to you all out there!

Some highlights from 2012:

Olivers first day at day-care and loving it.
Kevins has his surgery in Ystad to remove his tonsils and trying to improve his hearing with a pipe in his ear.

Changing heating system in the house to an IVT pump.
Oliver has to stay in hospital because of erysipelas.
90km cross country skiing Vasaloppet was the coolest performance ever!!

Kevin turn 5year old!

Easter camping in Olofström with family Persson.

Daniel complete half a marathon in Gothenburg with best result ever!
Our old garage start the makeover to become our new bedroom.

The whole family comes along to Barcelona when Pernilla has to go there to work.
300km biking around Vättern was the worst experience ever,
Midsumer in Simrishamn.
Pernilla and the kids drive to Västervik with family Ericsson for a long weekend.

Open water swimming 3 km in Vansbro was a piece of cake.
Vacation with our campervan in Röstånga with lots of great company and visitors.

Oliver turns 2 years old!
Vacation with our campervan in Osby with Perssons and Bendsen. Very nice!

Nice last camping of the season in Lomma with family Bendsen.
30km running in Lidingö was the last race of the Swedish Classicer!!
Kevin had an amazing day in Gothenburg with Sofie and Rickard looking at monter trucks.

Many business trips for Pernilla.

Pernillas management education is completed in Stockholm.

Kevin slept over for the first time without family around with the scout group and it went really well.
Daniel complete a course at work with very good result.

Saturday, 29 December 2012


Combat + Ruffie = completely exhausted and very happy!!
The smaller boys spend the day with grandma and Klasen. Daniel and I survived two tough training sessions. Thanks grandma and Klasen for making this possible. We appreciate it very much.
Made dinner which tasted very nice. Family Axelsson joined us and it was full action for the kids and very nice to see you all again.

Friday, 28 December 2012

An active day

Because the weather was to cold, wet and unpredictable we cancelled our trip to Copenhagen Tivoli for other activities. Cinema "Sune i Grekland" where one of us had to leave with Oliver in the middle of the movie after chasing him around and asking him to be quiet and sit still. Impossible so he had to wait outside. Lunch in Lund before heading to Eslöv adventure pools where the kids had a blast. After sauna and shower we rounded of the day with Pappis restaurant. We all slept very well after a successful and great day with very pleasant friends. Thank God for getting to know family Bendtsen! Love their company!

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Another rainy day

Brought fresh bread rolls for breakfast to the Perssons where Kevin had spent the night. Unfortunately he threw up in the middle of the night. Pore Lena and Håkan had to change linen and start the washing machine. So he was tired but felt fine when he woke up. After breakfast we borrowed Felix and went to the playground in Furulund. But it didn't last long as Felix hunted every child on the gondola and wasn't willing to follow instructions. Plus Kevin was very thirsty so we went back soon again.
Had a nice afternoon together before Oliver finally got someone who wanted to have him over night. Thank God for Johanna!!
When he went to spend the night with Johanna the rest of us went to family Hansson for a very nice dinner and night.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Happy Birthday Lena

Today we sang and celebrated Lena who turned 54 years old! Very nice dinner and always lots of play and fun for the kids. So fun that Kevin wanted to stay the night which was ok for Lena and Håkan. So we said goodnight to Kevin and biked home with only Oliver. Promised to come with fresh bread rolls from the bakery tomorrow morning.
Thank you for everything tonight & Happy Birthday!!!

Xmas 2012

Fantastic Xmas with family!!

One piece day with left overs

Day after Xmas turned out to be as grey as a grey day can be. But just as good as it was ok to check out all the Xmas gifts and play with it.
Had a one-piece-lunch where we tried to eat the left overs from yesterday. Impossible!
When it was pitch black outside we went out so the boys could try their headlights. Worked really well and they had great fun.

Saturday, 22 December 2012


Ruffie with FysGruppen is da shit! Better physical training is hard to get. We love it! This is the winning team that gathered today and fighted together like it was the last thing we'd ever do. Fantastic!
Thanks to Malin and Andreas for being inspired and good instructors!

Busfabriken with grandma and grandpa

Another round to the playhouse Busfabriken. This time in Malmö together with grandma and grandpa. And I'm happy to see my boys having just as fun as I always also had in places like this. Here they can climb, run and jump as much as they want. Just look at the height Kevin has when jumping on the trampoline.


When the kids are enjoying themselves in Malmö with grandma and grandpa and we'd completed our entire workout and Daniel had slept for 2 hours after the night shift, we decided to dine out for once. First we couldn't make up our mind to have fondue or Japanese. But I made the decision for Japanese and it turned out to be a success. I got my favourite sushi and Daniel tried a fantastic red curry chicken dish. Can recommend Tabemono in Lund!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Xmas flowers

Today we got two fantastic Xmas flower creations delivered. One was from my boss with a lovely written card about the past year which made me very pleased to read. And one was from my bonus grandparents Laila and Kenneth (Klasens parents) that we visited today and the kids got the awaited biscuits with allot of butter on! Only Laila and Kenneth know how to serve biscuits with butter in a way the kids love!!!!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Busfabriken with Fam Ericsson

First day on my Xmas holiday. Went to the playhouse Busfabriken in Helsingborg today with family Ericsson. It was only us and about 4 other families so the kids felt as if the place was all theirs for four hours. No wonder they had a big smile all the time. They sat still during lunch (just) then they were of again for another couple of hours. Amazing!

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Xmas tree in place

Kevin slept at grandma and Klasens place tonight so we went there with Oliver and fresh bread rolls. Enjoyed a nice breakfast with nice company. Then Daniel took the kids to choose the Xmas tree this year while Klasen and I went to Lund to do some shopping. We were not alone!!
Lena and Håkan kidnapped the kids in the afternoon to go to Barsebäck and play on the ice, have picnic and play in the playground. They had a fantastic afternoon and came home with big smiles. Even if they were tired after a fun and intensive day we manage to decorate our xmas tree.

Friday, 14 December 2012

Lucky winner

I never win anything. But today I got this jewellery in the mail with a letter congratulating me for being the lucky winner. Just by liking and sharing on Facebook!! Made my day.
Spontaneous Taco dinner with family Bendtsen rounded of this week in the best possible way.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Second Advent

Daniel have been working during the night and got home in the morning. We had breakfast together before I went with the kids to grandpa in Malmo. He took them to the fun house Leos Lekland while I went to the quarterly release of Body Combat. When it was time to drive home a minor snowstorm had arrived and we were very lonely on the roads back home. Our plans of sledding had to be changed to some craft creations indoor.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Xmas dinner w friends

Kevin slept his first night without parents or grandparents!! A night with the scout group all by him self! Together with 9 other kids and two scout leaders they seem to have had a fantastic night together. And it felt very good picking up a smiling boy in the morning. So proud of Kevin!!
Went to the gym for a session of kids gymnastic followed by Body Combat. Great workout!
And the day continued just as good with pancakes at grandma and Klasen!!
Then we went home and made snacks and glögg for dinner tonight with friends. Beautiful dinner with great friends at night. No wonder we fell asleep very easily tonight.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Day-Care visiting the church

This is Kevin's little pack with sandwiches, smoothies, egg and cinnamon buns that he had with him today when they went to the church with day-care. The church is very nice decorated around Xmas and they went there to have a look.
But when I showed Kevin and told him that he could take this to the visit to the church today he said: -OH NOOOOOO......not the church. I hate the church. You have to be silent there!!!!

Sunday, 2 December 2012


The first Advent was spent with family Ericsson being creative. The kids loved it (and so did the adults). We rounded of with takeaway.

Friday, 30 November 2012

Friday w the kids

Day-care were closed today so I took the chance of having a fun day with the kids. Especially since I've been away almost all week I had some time to catch up on.
Changed tires on our car first thing in the morning. Then we played and climbed trees with Alma and Alvin and their dad on the playground close to home until we couldn't feel out fingers anymore. Then I took all the kids with me home and prepared lunch for us all. In the afternoon we went to family Jakobsson's ranch where we spent time with the horses and in the stable. We made homemade pizza together that evening went home and welcomed Santa Claus..

Thursday, 29 November 2012


Last days of my long management education I've done these last months in Stockholm. Extremely good and inspiring course that have given me so much knowledge. I was proud to receive the diploma before heading home. I also got to enjoy the snow before anyone else in the family! That was something Kevin found very unfair!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Our boys

Our wonderful boys!!

Monday, 26 November 2012


What do you do to try and keep cold, flu and other decease away this winter? We try to eat fruits and berries in any way possible. And be outdoor even if the weather isn't at its best all the time.

I'm to Stockholm again for the last couple of days on my management course. Fantastic opportunity to get such an expensive and highly ranked education by the company you work for. Let's just hope our new owners will keep me on-board in the organisation as well. Otherwise the course will spice up my CV!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Big changes coming this way

Daniel had to work this Sunday so the rest of the family went to the bakery first thing in the morning to pick up freshly baked bread rolls which we brought to grandma and Klasens place. This is where we hanged around most of this rainy and grey day. But since we simply love being outdoor we had to challenge the weather by walking to the favourite playground in the Furulund forest. Grandma made hot chocolate, egg and sandwiches for us to eat while away. And as long we you’re dressed for the weather there’s never anything wrong with the weather and we enjoyed ourselves.

But that evening when putting the kids to bed I promised myself to make changes to Oliver’s lifestyle. It’s ok that he hasn’t got the same need for sleep as the rest of the family, but the more I read about the symptoms he has, the more I realize that we can only blame ourselves. Even if I would never put a child on some stupid diet, I’m strongly considering removing sugar and sweets……. Keeping the blood sugar at a constant level is good for everyone. And if you’re extra sensitive to fast changes of you blood sugar level it can give exactly the symptoms Oliver is showing.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Part of Daniels birthday gift

As part of Daniels birthday gift that he got on his birthday this Wednesday was a surprise evening. He was guessing and guessing but I manage to not say anything. And then Mr and Mrs Bendtsen arrived for wine and cheese as part of the surprise. So far so good, every good ingredient for a nice evening. But then someone generously started to share details of what was to come. Oh well, not much you can do about talkative friends, is it!! Greek dining and 007 at the movies together with Ann and Tobbe gave a very successful evening and Daniel was a tired and happy man when we got home!
The kids had dinner at Persson's place and then back to our place baking gingerbread with Sofie and Richard!
Thanks to everyone involved who made this evening possible for us

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Late birthday present

Better later then never! We gave Håkan a chance to try 4WD off road when we turned 40. Today he finally got around and did it. Unfortunately we couldn't see him in action live. But they came around and showed us all the pictures afterwards which was very nice. They even had nice dinner with them. We then went don't to the river and exercised both dog, kids and adults! Fantastic evening. And we're happy that Håkan was pleased with the new experience.