A quick summery of the year 2011 for family Berg looks like this:
Shovelling snow is what comes in our minds. We had more snow then we’ve ever had and Daniel worked extremely many hours during the nights shovelling snow in and around Malmo so that people and cars had a fair chance of getting around.
Kevin operates the tubes in the ears and removes polyps to try to improve his hearing and make his breathing easier for him.
First week of ski vacation together in Sälen, Sweden. Kevin and Daniel learned how to ski!
Pernilla has to make a short break of her maternity leave to sort out a few things in the office in UK. First trip with our new camper van goes to Olofström.
Daniel month! Complete Gothenburg half marathon for the second year in a row and passes his exam to drive heavy trailers. June – Camping for several weeks. First more then a week in Trelleborg and then one week in Simrishamn where we celebrated Midsummer.
Fantastic camping week in Osby with fam Ericsson.
Pernilla month! Starts working at Pergo again and passes the course as Les Mills Combat instructor.
Daniel trying to get the hang of being a home dad with two kids while Pernilla tries hard to get back into being a working woman again.
Pernilla starts her Active Parenting course while Daniel starts his Digital Movie Editing course and Kevin tries out wrestling.
Daniel complete his tattoo on his legs so that the hand- and foot-prints of both Oliver and Kevin is now there.
A typical winter for southern Sweden; mild, wet and dark. Nothing exciting happened except a cozy and very nice Xmas/ New Year.Hope you’ve all out there had a happy 2011 and that you have a successful 2012 ahead of you!