Kevin is making sure Oliver gets plenty of hugs and kisses.
Monday, 30 August 2010
Kevins wish...
Today at dinner Kevin suddenly asked where Marielle and Doug were. We answered that they are back in USA. -Why? he asked. -Because they live there. -Why cant they have a house and live here? he asked. -Would you like them to live here instead? -YES! he said. So, Marielle and Doug, you are missed!!
Winter boots for Kevin is all set! Found the same style as last year which he was very pleased with, but to one third of the price. I normally always miss these offers, but not today!
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Friday, 27 August 2010
NuggZ Kick-Off 25-25 of September
You won't be able to give your own or your children’s feet warmer and better comfort during the winter then with Ugg Boots. That they are trendy looking as well just make you even prouder as an Ugg owner.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Shoulder of the day
Today I got lovely company by grandma. She knocked on the door just before I was about to go and pick Kevin up from day-care. She came with too delicate cookies from the bakery which not even I could resist even if I have none tolerance with cookies and desserts at the moment. These kind of just forced themselves into my mouth. But I decided I deserved them and enjoyed them fully.
Oliver is soon 3 weeks and are very awake. He likes to hang over your shoulder and check things out. Like this picture where grandma’s shoulder is the shoulder of the day!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
We took a chance when going to Tosselilla Fun Park today. They hadn’t promised very good weather. But we got a fantastic day with lots of fun together with Fam Kristoffersson and their friends. It’s the perfect place for kids from 3 years and up. Even I and Daniel had a ball when joining Kevin in all his activities. I’m glad I have Kevin to “blame” for joining him in the different climbing towers, giant trampolines, roller coasters etc etc… It’s for some reason more ok if two adults are playing like kids if you actually have your own child there as well.
Even if we did most things Kevin wanted to do for the 6 hours we were there, there’s still just as much we didn’t have time to do before they closed for the day. I now understand the two-dag-ticket they offered. Next summer we’ll bring our campervan and stay for two days! It’s a total blast for all members of your family. Can warmly recommend Tosselilla Fun Park!!
Saturday, 21 August 2010
The best play ground is in Furulund
It has been nothing but fantastic to get a second child, BUT the quality time I used to have with Kevin has unfortunately been hard to get. But today we were blessed to get an hour on our own while Oliver stayed with grandma. We went to Kevins favourite playground in Furulund and had a ball. I miss our quality time and I m looking forward to catch up on our activities together.
I ve never been this tired. We ve proudly told people how well Oliver sleeps at night. But last night Oliver had problem with his stomach and kept me awake most of the night. Daniel went to a golf competition early in the morning. And when I d finally got clothes on both kids and myself and went to get in the car I realised that Daniels van was parked behind my car! So we couldn't get anywhere! What to do? Call mum!:-) As always she helped out by picking us up. Oliver kept being grumpy until Kevin helped him out. Then finally he fell in deep sleep. A big brothers touch beats anyone elses, that s for sure!
Friday, 20 August 2010
First day on my own on my maternity leave

Today was Daniels first day back at work. And my first day on my own with two kids. Except that Kevin woke us up at 5pm, everything went really well. Kevin was such a good boy and we manage to drop him of in time to day-care. The last week he hasn't been to keen on going to day-care and getting him there and dropping him of has been a major project with allot of tears. But today went very well and without any tears.
I cleaned the toilets before Maria, Robban and little Simon came by for brunch with of and Oliver. We had a nice chat and enjoyed a relaxed brunch with our little ones. Thanks for today!
When it was only me and Oliver we finalised the photo collection of fam Berg which Kevins day-care has asked for. See picture. Then we went to the shopping mall to buy a birthday present for Alvin who has his 1st birthday party tonight. I also tried to find clothes for my xl-size body, but without luck. :-(
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Busfabriken in Helsingborg
On our way home we stopped by at Fam Adolfsson for a cup of coffee and some jummy newly baked cinnamon rolls.
After dinner at home mum and Klas came by quickly to say hi. Then Fam Henberg-Johansson came with a still warm pineapple pie which was too good to take a small piece of. I just had to take that extra not needed piece because it was so good. They also gave Oliver the cutest baby suit I've seen in a long time. Thank You Vivvi, Mikey and Isak for your enjoyable visit, the nice present to Oliver, the delicious pie and the inspiring feedback on my ugg boots.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Another day of pouring rain from early morning till late afternoon. I don't think there was a one minute break from 7 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon. Everything is nice and green, but that's about the only positive thing about this constant raining. While Kevin was at day-care we had breakfast together with fam Sassarsson and Daniel’s brother. At 3 pm we picked up Kevin and went home and played together in his room with his race track and race car which is the favourite toy at the moment.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Car for sale
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Cooling down in Furulund
We spent some time with our neighbours who needed a hand with laying laminate flooring. Their daughter is only 6 month younger then Kevin so they play well together.
Then there was no other option but to go to Furulund and cool down in the pool. The humidity was unbearable. For once we had take-away for dinner.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
First bath
Friday, 13 August 2010
Can't get enough of Oliver
Oliver is now 1 week old and we can only confirm that time totally flies away. I thought the time went by in turbo speed with Kevin, but it’s even worse with Oliver. But I’m making sure I’m not stressing away too much (even if that’s something I tend to do very easily). We’re enjoying every single moment together as a family. But it’s funny how fathers seem to loose energy as well from all the breast feeding and having to be up for several hours each night and all other processes going on in the mothers body which sometimes can be quit painful. I decided I wouldn’t hint Daniel about the irony I see in his laciness, but this weekend I had to give him a few missions to complete before I’m wasting more energy on being irritated because nothing gets done around the house. I realize that it’s a big change for Daniel as well, but come on, things still doesn’t get done by it selves –weather you have one or two kids!! ;o)
Kevin is really proud about his little brother. He’s really gentle and can out of the blue suddenly say with a big smile “I’ve got a little brother!"
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Peaceful mind
I'm so pleased about the swedish system where the father can stay home the first 10 workingdays after the birth. It's quit challenging to get things done with a sore body and interrupted sleep at night and a 3 year old! But with Daniels help this week we've been able to relax and recover and make the change from one child to two very smooth. Even if I like action and when many things happens at ones, I must admit that a newborn in deep sleep is something I never get tired of resting my eyes on.
Monday, 9 August 2010
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Finally our "little" boy arrived on Friday the 8th of August. With some help to get the birth started since we were 13 days late, he came out at 4.20pm. 4,5 kg and 56 cm long! Best of all was that it took only 4 hour and we were all feeling well afterwards. No 24 hour marathon, no doctors around and no emergency for our newborn. This birth was an experience I'll look back on as a nice, peaceful and successful happening. It was a blessing to get him to my chest and even better to hear him scream! I want to thank Daniel for the best support ever. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. And thanks to all wonderful family and friends for your inspiring wishes before and after. We are still at the hotel at the hospital to try to recover. Planning to be back home tomorrow Sunday. The little one, who we're unsure of the name for, is looking forward to see you all!
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Still waiting
Today I called my midwife in desperation and told her that she needed to do something drastically before I go completely crazy. I was lucky to get a time in the afternoon the same day. We had a long talk and she could nothing but understand my frustration. She had a good feel on the stomach and could confirm that it’s not a monster-big baby, but it’s not a small one either. Around 3,9-4kg was her guess. And a 4kg baby has passed through ones, just, so another one around the same size isn’t making me very nervous. But he’s not getting smaller for every day that goes by, so he better pull himself together and get out of my body!!!! SOON, please!!! The midwife could also confirm that I’m open 3-4 cm and it feels as if my body is preparing it selves for birth in secret. Internal my body is well on its way, but without any labour pains what so ever. So ones it get started I guess we won’t have much time to waste.
What isn’t making life easier is that Daniel is back to work now and Kevin has another week holiday before going back to day-care. So I’m all by my self, bigger and more tired then ever, trying to pep myself and save energy for the enormous performance of giving birth at the same time as trying to make the days go by with allot of fun and activities for Kevin so he’s the least effected of my status.
Tonight I made a Sunday roast which we enjoyed before ending up in the sofa. This is how tired my boys are at 7.30pm at night. Half an hour later Kevin is sound asleep in his bed and an hour after that Daniel and I are in bed half asleep as well.
Where did the energetic Family Berg go?!?!?!?!